Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Subscribe with us if you want unaltered US Financial Markets News

We are an online platform where you can find clarified facts about the various Economic Policies by the government. We inspect every economic decision taken by the government and dissect it for you putting our various points of view for it.

If you really want to understand the US Financial Markets News, subscribe with us. What is the US Stock Market Report Today, what way a cheap stock benefit a common man? These are basic questions whose answers are too complex by the government.

We are an online service to educate you about these terms and what it really means, because what you see on the TV and official website doesn’t make any sense to common people.

We are called Economic Prism, as we believe that like a prism disperses light into a spectrum, we disperse economic policies into simpler terms and make it visible to everyone who can benefit something from it.

Our team consists of close to 20 writers. Some of us are investment analysts, some are investment strategist and some are finance and tax attorneys. We understand these economic policies and only then we have been brave enough to try commenting about it and criticizing it wherever needed.

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